Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Any leisure activity that you like Research Paper

Any leisure activity that you like - Research Paper Example Tourism is indeed an activity that brings many returns for countries that have beautiful sceneries that attract domestic and international attention. Many people travel to different places worldwide just to see and learn about different sea and land biodiversity. This paper examines tourism as a form of leisure that often take part in whenever I have taken time off my business and house chores along wide my family and friends. It also examines the evolution and ecological footprints that have been brought about because of this leisure activity, as well as the motivating factors that influences our participation in this activity. Tourism, as a form of leisure, refers to the process of visiting and tourism various places within or outside a country for fun. In the process of this tourism, people get to learn how different plants and animal diversity exist in the natural habit. People that often like to participate in tourism as a form of leisure often enjoy seeing animals in parks feeding and resting or managing their lives in different ways (Rojek, 2005). Tourism is an activity that has evolved over the time to reach its status that people enjoy in current times. Initially, tourism in its first phase, involved people traveling for reasons related to pilgrimage and trade alone (Matias, 2009). This was before 1840 A.D, when people who did not travel were often neglected and despised. The second phase of tourism came in during the time of industrial evolution, during this time railway and other forms of transport had been developed, making it easy for people to move from one place to another. During the period of industrial revolution, the team engine was introduced by James Watt, which transported many people at a time (Matias, 2009). The need for taking time from work activities and explore other opportunities within the borders of a country increased

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